Welcome to the belly of the beast...
The Super-massive beast will bring to
you news from my hobby life as a
miniature painter and gamer...
Have fun!
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Making a simple photo box
You really need just very few things to make a simple photobox, which will improve an photos made of miniatures a lot!
I just got an piece of an old board and 2 wooden straps from your homecenter of convinience. In addition, some black paper and a piece of white semi-transparent curtain. Plus a super-glue and a glue for wood...
1. Cut 4 pieces from the strip with the same length: They will be your poles for the framing. And then 2 pairs with the same length for the ceiling...
Gluing together the pieces is the most difficult part. That's why I use the super glue to fixate the framing, and then the wood glue to add more stability...
And that is it: ready to go!
Goliaths - Gang is growing...
And here they come! More Goliaths done and now "properly" or at least better pictures in a fesh photo box...