
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A 380 ready to take off...

With several additional hours and nights with not so much sleep it just got finished in time... In the end it was only a fight against the clock, so no time for fancy details or even "clean" painting... :-(

My final conclusions: For such huge models as the A380, you definitely need an airbrush!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

A 380 painting...

First thing I realized immediately is that the GW paints are not totally opaque and smooth on these large areas! I had to do 3-4 layers and still it is not perfect! But I have no time, so hurry on...

Monday, January 16, 2012

A 380 assembled - ready to be painted

Finally, I managed to continue on the "wedding plane", time is running out now quickly (Friday is deadline) so I have to hurry...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

The Wedding Airliner...

Hi guys,

something slightly different this time:
for a wedding gift of a friend I am building this Airbus 380 from Revell in 1/144. The challenge will be to paint it in the colors of Singapore Airlines (as the box comes only with Lufthansa decals...):

My whole painting hobby started with airplane models when I was a little kid. So it is a little bit like back to the roots! I am curious if I improved in the meantime ;-)
Seriously I think that the acrylic paints we use for miniatures are way superior to the oily paints from, e.g., Revell. Let's see...

Here the progress so far: