
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Drop your pants!

Hi everybody,

some of you might know Dork Tower... once someone very wise, realised that the moment a miniature gamer paints his last miniature he will just die!

Fortunately, I am further away from this point than ever before! ;-)
Out of a have attack of geekiness, I decided that it would be a great idea to actually have a look at my reserves... and even more make a list of all the unpainted stuff flying around in my sideboards...
And even more fun: Have pictures of all these unfinished (or not even started projects)!

So here they come!!!
Bit by bit, miniature by miniature I will update this list to the bitter end! (Unfortunately, I realized that part of my minis is still in Chile so the list cannot completed now in fact :-((

However, before the pictures start flowing, one more thing: I would like to emphazise that I bought most of this stuff, in fact all the GW minis at ebay! And most of them were "used" meaning assembled and at least partly painted...(I hope the original owner will forgive me that I destroy there artistic creations, to resurvive them in new flames like the Phonix from the ashes... ;-)

So let's start: One can devide most of my minis in my big projects:

- Alpha Legion
- Death Guard
- Chaos in general
- Necromunda
- Imperial fists (not started yet)
- Gorkamorka (not started yet)
- and just awesome minis, that I had to buy ;-)

First, Alpha Legion:

Hehe, this is quite simple now as most of the missing Alpha Legions are still in Chile...
So there, is only this poor forgotten Champion left: It was actually a creation from ebay, that I found pretty cool, so I decided that I would just paint him as he is (of course including the now missing power axe)... some day...

Death Guard:
This Rhino was supposed to be finished half a year ago... But then there was the Mad MAx contest, so...

This Terminator unit, is a conversion I did out of loyalist terminators (from ebay of course). They already got their basecoat and first layer of paint. Then I decided to start Necromunda... hehe ;)

And htis head-less poor fellow, of course you all know him, I got him painted from ebay, I will just add some more layers on-top, I think ;-) Of course after gluing his head again.

And here is the ultra-cool demon prince of Nurgle! He was unpainted, and only pre-assembled when he found his new home in one of my boxes...

And now it becomes really really cool! Somewhen roughly 2 years ago the english pound dropped a lot in value (compared to the Euro), and there was one moment when I could not resist anymore this temptation from the all-awesome god-like Forgeworld miniatures!

This in particular, is the nurgle sourcerer...

Hehe, and this is one of the most awesome minis ever! The Nurgle Dreadnought!

And hey! There was free shipping for order of 200 Euro or something like that, so...

The Forgeworld Nurgle Demon Prince!

And finally, this Black Legion land raider will have a really ugly future! He was chosen to become the flagship of my Death Guard army...

Chaos in general:

 Old chaos sorcerer,...

Huron Blackheart (?) Uh I am starting to even forget the names of the minis...

One of my absolute faovrite characters in whole 40k! Fabius Gallus, he was completely painted when I got him. Hehe, now he is a little naked...

This war smith from the iron warriors is just too cool, to not paint him! He is waiting already quite some time in fact, since I bought him together with my first Chaos Marines some years ago...

The demon prince, I think this model does not need any more words (ah maybe that he was basecoated in red, when I got him, and even a completely un-assembled week-long bath in nail polish remover (wth almond aroma) could not remove all of it! Really demonic stuff...

ebay & new: Lucius is really a cheap guy these days (he joined my legions for only 2.50Euro...)

Insane chaotic psionics... (Forgeworld -- we haven't reached the 200 yet...)

Ah ja, the Khorne terminator lord: He will be the main character of one of my un-started projects...

Some more chaotic weirdos...

Chaos renegades, the is hardly anything cooler!

These are the main parts of the renegade guardsman, that will once join with the Alpha Legion to let the galaxy burn!

Ok, and if you order at Forgeworld, there is no way around these sweet little boys...

You should see the amount of detail on the chaos hounds below!

 A very sad creature, heavily damaged is has to live in a box for Christmas decoration since ~4 years... But some day I will paint it! It is just these many legs...

Baaaamm! The vindicator is so brutal!

This Chaos Predator joined my forces together with all the Death Gurad marines in one big (and cheap ;-)) auction, since then he is waiting to be assigned to either the Death Guard or the Alpha Legion. But in fact, I think I will paint him like a captured renegade tank instead. Because then he might fit into any Chaos Legion...

And this is not a 40k vehicle, right! I know, but I bot it on a lfea market for 3 Euro. It is a little too big in scale (1:35), but my idea was that I would use it as an excerise ground for all these finte techniques described in the Forgeworld masterclass book. I thought, I would just do a copy of this first project they show in the book: a captured renegade artillery tank...

And last but not least (for the Chaos in general...): A valkyre. Hm, let me think it is not even opened yet, why do I have it? Hm, you know, when I was a little kind I loved to assemble, paint and play with these little aircraft from Revell, Italery & co. So of  course, the moment GW published this thingy, I knew I had to get it. But why the hack now? Uh yes, it was half the new price on ebay... Do you think I am addicted to something.... ? ;-)

However, it will become... of course as well a renegade vehicle, some far far day in the future! And if I die before, who ever will inherit this, can just sell it again on ebay! Yep, that's my way of thinking... ;-)

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