
Sunday, March 23, 2014

More from the treasure box & a first application of the airbrush -- Simple classic ruins


apart from many cool bits and miniatures, there were also six of these plastic ruins from the old 3rd edition Warhammer 40k box... I always like these corners, they are so fourtykay! Since my friend lacks terrain pieces for his gaming table to be created and I was eager to try out my new airbrush on some tabletop stuff, I decided to make some super-quick and simple terrain pieces out of them.

Some minutes of gluing later, I was ready to apply my special micture of black paint, white glue, sand and pieces...

I cut some "

The good thing about adding the black paint to the mixture is that the terrain pieces are already primed in black after everything dried.

So I applied some grey paint with the airbrush on the next day. Since GW colors are sooo expensive, I decided to use these cheap acrylic paints I got in a super market. Only disadvantage, you have to water them down a lot before you can put them into the airbrush.

After the gey, I added some brown to make the ground look more interesting...

Next, were some light-grey highlights on the walls and big stones. I added some yellow into the mix to again make everything more interesting...

Finally, the ruins still looked a bit boring to me. Thus, I decided to take some green (mixed with brown) and airbrush the shadowy parts of the walls with it. So unknown reasons it comes out waaay too much in the picture below! The effect is much more subtle in reality!

After the airbrushing, the ruins looked decent but they lacked "depth". This naturally results from the airbrushing itself, i.e. there are no highlighted edges and darkened corners. But this can easily be achieved with a conventional brush:

1. washing the walls with very much thinned black

2. Drybrushing with un-thinned white

Here are the finished classical ruins on the day. Unfortunately, the colors in the following pics are weird. Sorry for that!

So in the end, the airbrushing took longer than I expected (a few hours) but it was a lot of fun, in particular because, different to a normal paint brush, it was very easy to paint the many difficult-to-reach spots. This way, one can concentrate on building up nice color transitions...


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