
Saturday, March 8, 2014

The beginning of a new painting era - First encounter with an airbrush

Hi all,

today I managed to fulfill myself a longstanding dream - using an airbrush! After consulting the internet, I bought myself one of these cheap complete sets with a compressor with tank (AS 186), three different airbrushes and all equipment one needs to start. And all together for 100 Euro (in my case bought on ebay)! Apparently the compressor is fine (I heard people being happy with it even after 4 years). The three airbrushes are for all kinds of tasks, and only the smallest, a top-feed double-action with three different needles is relevant for painting models.  Supposedly, it is quite crappy but I think it is sufficient to get some practice as a beginner.

Here is my set up:

And here are my first strokes with an airbrush ever!

I know not very impressive but it is really completely different from painting with brushes and one first has to get a complete new feel for the whole thing! Therefore, I tried to do some exercises like doing different dots and painting lines and so on. There are some pretty good tutorial in the cyber space. I watched the ones from and checked the excellent Deadlift's Adventures in Airbrushing on BOLS before starting.

Tja and after playing around for one or two hours, I decided that it is time for my first airbrush picture:

Cool, hae?! I call it "Night sky over the Andes" and dedicate it to my girlfriend, who enabled me to live once more in the beautiful South America. :-)

OK, I know everyone who has used an airbrush already will say that it is boring and there are lots of mistakes to be found... Anyway, I am very motivated to continue, and in particular airbrush my first miniatures!!!


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