time for another episode in my "series", "How big are..."!
This time, the fantastic miniatures from Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress:
Let's start with the impressive and cunning Rogue Trader Janus Draik:The (certainly) centuries of rejuvenation therapy (and maybe the long time spend at low gravity?) made this guy really tall! A whole head taller than the average Imperial soldier (which you have to imagine to be like Arnold Schwarzenegger!), just a bit shy of a Primaris. Most impressive! Well, I love this guy, and maybe this is simply the new "heroic" scale of GW!
Next up, the Ministorum Priest Taddeus the Purifier:
Good old Tad, is quite massive too. Certainly he did not have to fast on his crusade!
Here another comparison shot with the elderly Arch-confessor and Redemptor Kyrinov
Looks like Tad definitely had an idol to inspire him (pose- and cloth-wise ;-). But certainly, he "outgrew" his old master.
Then, there is Missionary Zealot Pious Vorne:
Also Vorne steps into the footsteps of a previous great but anonymous Eviscerator Priest
Next up is Imperial Navigator Espern Locarno:
Well, Navigators are tall, fluff-wise I think? Also, as far as I know, there has been no other Navigator model yet, to compare to?
And, the unique (?): Imperial Robot UR-025:
First time in 40k that we encounter an artificial intelligence. Not much is known about this supposedly extinguished "race". I guess he could come in any size?
Kroot Tracker Dahyak Grekh: Unfortunately (shame on me), I have no Kroot model for comparison but he seems quite a big specimen as well (heroic).
Amallyn Shadowguide, Asuryani Ranger Also no older ranger for comparison, sorry!
Ratling Twins, Rein and Raus: I have to admit, I really do not like ratlings! They remind me way too much of Hobbits, which I also do not like, sorry!!
Denizens of the Blackstone Fortress
The brave explorers encounter some nasty denizens:Traiter Guardsmen:
Interestingly, the Traitor Guardsmen are indeed the same size as Cadians. Soo much to a size creep in GW models...
Negavolt Cultists:
Chaos Beatmen:
Spindle Drones:
Black Legion Chaos Space Marines:
Rogue Psykers: Hard to compare these guys of course, floating around like balloons.
And finally, Obsidius Mallex: