Hi there!
Just a mid-week quicky: GW published a few images of the new Chaos Terminators, and I immediately asked myself, "how big are they?" Are they scale-up in any way? Maybe even Abaddon size?
Let's sse:
First old vs new:
Turns out they are almost the same size! :-( I was hoping for some significant scale-up to bring them closer to "true scale", but looks like this did not happen.
This leaves them also much smaller than Abaddon, who was also wearing a terminator armour if I remember correctly?!
I moved the Terminator up a bit to match the level of the boots, i.e., taking into account that Abaddon stands on quite some rubble (and a Primaris Lieutneant ;-)).
Well, too bad...
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Thursday, March 21, 2019
Monday, March 18, 2019
Shadowspear -- Size comparisons -- Chaos Troops
Hi again,
after building the most amazing new Chaos miniatures of the Shadowspear box, of course I could not resist to make some size comparison pictures:
1. The Greater Possessed in comparison to the Primaris Space Marines:
As you can see they are indeed even bigger than Primaris Marines.
The next picture shows a comparison to one random "normal" Possessed.

In the above picture, the lines in the background mark the length of one centimetre. One the far right, is the Black Legion Chaos Space Marine converted from a Primaris Marine in Mk X Tacticus Power Armour.
2. The new Obliterators in comparison to the old ones:
Obviously, the new models is much larger and even bulkier. But interestingly, the head stayed almost on the same height level.
Here you can see how the Obliterators give some heat to some poor Primaris:
And the proper comparison with scale in the background:

3. Chaos Space Marines in power armour.
First of an image showing the evolution of the Chaos Space Marines over the last ~20 years:
From left to right: A "classical" Marine as we used (and loved) them over the years, next a Marine from the Dark Vengeance box, then in the middle the one from the Blackstone Fortress, then the new one from Shadowspear and finally a Primaris-sized one.
Interestingly, the biggest jump in size appears to have happened with the Dark Vengeance Marines from many years ago! Then the one from Blackstone Fortress is just marginally bigger and gave us an outlook at the new scale of the Chaos Marines.
So, not surprisingly, the Shadowspear Chaos Marines are the same size.
Unfortunately, this means that they are still significantly shorter than the Primaris Marines, which are basically "true-scale" sized, and what I would have loved to see. That also leaves them somewhat smaller than their Deathguard cousins (this is a bit hard to see below though, sorry!):

Here some more combinations:
1. Power armour: oldest versus "how they should be":
2. Adding in the Shadowspear Marines, which are going to be the new standard for the next decade, I guess...
From the back, Shadowspear versus Primaris:

Let's have a look at the heroes:
From left to right: Classical, Fabius Gallus, the villain from Dark Vengeance, Blackstone Fortress, Shadowspear, and Primaris scale at the end.
Some more heroes, namely good old Huron and the new outrageous Kharn:
It is hard to see in the image because of his leaning pose, but the new Kharn is actually Primaris scale! You can see this by checking the length of his limbs and so on....
For completeness, here the comparison of the Venomcrawler to Primaris:

And finally a little "family portrait" of all the new units:
To conclude: the new sizes of the Obliterators and basically the Possessed sit very well with me, while I wished the new Chaos Marines in Power Armour to be a bit bigger. Now, given the Obliterators and new, fancy Abaddon's size one could wonder how new Chaos Terminators would be sized. The new artwork (featuring Abaddon) together with some of the unsolved spoiler from the Daemon machine also gives hope that they might be around the corner. We will see soon I guess...
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Chaos strikes back!!! --- Shadowspear arrived!
The gods of Chaos apparently got jealous of my latest devotion to the Machine, and promptly send some new troops from the Eye of Chaos into our realm -- and what monsters these are!!!
Unless you are living below a rock (or without the internet, which is probably a healthy (and money-saving) decision), you know this of course, so without further redo, I present you the mighty Shadowspear box which was kindly broad by our friendly postman to my doorstep this morning:
The box is the same size as the previous such boxes like, e.g., Forgebane, and full to the top with sprues:
And it contains this lovely cover sheet functioning as a separator between the sprues and the other materials:
I absolutely love this invention of GW as I put those up as art prints on my wall! Thank you GW!
Here the overview of the sprues:
1. The Loyalists troops consisting of one big and two small, identical sprues:
2. Chaos Space Marines aka Daemonkin with two big sprues, one with the Chaos Space Marines and the two Greater Possessed, and the other with the awesome Obliterators and the Venomcrawler
3. And of course the characters sprues aka the loyalist Captain and Librarian in Phobos Armour and the Master of Possession of the Black Legion
And then there are the book(let)s, one for the Shadowspear story/background, two mini-dexes for the Vanguard Space Marines, and the Daemonkin, the assembly instruction manual, core rules, and a cute little sample chapter from the Black Legion novel. In case you do not know these novels of Demski-Bowden are totally amazing and elemental lecture for every Chaos-devotee!
And, there is even a little transfers sheet:
So in summary, needless to say the box is absolutely worth the money, and I love the new models!!! Even the loyalists who are normally a bit boring to me (cough) got some really cool looking models in this box! I like the Phobos Armour and the stealthy feel. I am going to paint some of these as Raven Guard for sure (one of my little project ideas on my long-term hobby dream list! ;-)).
But the absolute beasts and my personal favorites of this box are the Greater Possessed and Obliterators! Naturally, I assembled these straight away:
Unless you are living below a rock (or without the internet, which is probably a healthy (and money-saving) decision), you know this of course, so without further redo, I present you the mighty Shadowspear box which was kindly broad by our friendly postman to my doorstep this morning:
The box is the same size as the previous such boxes like, e.g., Forgebane, and full to the top with sprues:
And it contains this lovely cover sheet functioning as a separator between the sprues and the other materials:
I absolutely love this invention of GW as I put those up as art prints on my wall! Thank you GW!
Here the overview of the sprues:
1. The Loyalists troops consisting of one big and two small, identical sprues:
2. Chaos Space Marines aka Daemonkin with two big sprues, one with the Chaos Space Marines and the two Greater Possessed, and the other with the awesome Obliterators and the Venomcrawler
3. And of course the characters sprues aka the loyalist Captain and Librarian in Phobos Armour and the Master of Possession of the Black Legion
And then there are the book(let)s, one for the Shadowspear story/background, two mini-dexes for the Vanguard Space Marines, and the Daemonkin, the assembly instruction manual, core rules, and a cute little sample chapter from the Black Legion novel. In case you do not know these novels of Demski-Bowden are totally amazing and elemental lecture for every Chaos-devotee!
And, there is even a little transfers sheet:
So in summary, needless to say the box is absolutely worth the money, and I love the new models!!! Even the loyalists who are normally a bit boring to me (cough) got some really cool looking models in this box! I like the Phobos Armour and the stealthy feel. I am going to paint some of these as Raven Guard for sure (one of my little project ideas on my long-term hobby dream list! ;-)).
But the absolute beasts and my personal favorites of this box are the Greater Possessed and Obliterators! Naturally, I assembled these straight away:
Here the beautiful Venomcrawler:
And finally, a little gallary of the new faces for both armies to serve as inspiration (also for you conversion freaks out there ;-)):
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